LoanStreet allows you the ability to “group” institutions together to more quickly use a number of the features on LoanStreet.  Groups are named by you and each member of the group is set by you.

To create a group, navigate to Networks -> Groups. 

Once there, you can view an index of your existing groups with the ability to edit and delete as well as create new groups by selecting “Add New Group.”  Name the new group, select its membership and then select “Done” returning you to the index of groups.

From then on, use your Groups to more quickly identify loans during searching to include or exclude groups of institutions from certain loans.  Other uses of groups, include using groups of institutions on the Access tab of a LoanFile to grant Full Access, Basic Access or None to a group of institution.  For example, provide Full Access to a set of friendly institutions or exclude a group of competitors by granting None to your competitor list.