On LoanStreet, you have complete control over which institutions may purchase your loans. To manage Access to your loans, navigate to the Access tab of the LoanFile for each loan.
LoanStreet allows you to mark a loan Public or Private.
If you select “Public”, everyone on LoanStreet is by default granted Basic Access including any new members that join LoanStreet over the life of the loan.
If you select “Private”, everyone on LoanStreet is by default granted no Access to your loan.
Once you have selected either Public or Private, you can further refine Access to your loan on an institution or group basis. To refine Access, you can search by category, None, Basic or Full or you can search by an individual institution or group of institutions. The results of the search are then shown where you can alter the Access to each institution shown in the search results.
You can change anyone’s access at any time and you can even change whether your loan is marked Public or Private at any time which returns every institution to the default setting.
Finally, syndicate members are always granted Full Access to the loan.